Samuel Wiese

Samuel Wiese

PhD Student in Computer Science

University of Oxford


I am a graduate student at the Department of Computer Science of the University of Oxford. My supervisors are Doyne Farmer and Ani Calinescu. I am a member of Wolfson College and of the Complexity Economics Group at the Institute for New Economic Thinking. I am interested in game theory, networks, and (macroeconomic) agent-based modelling. I previously worked on fractals.

I was trained at the University of Leipzig, where I was a scholar of the Foundation of German Business, and hold a Diploma in Mathematics.

I am working part-time in the risk division (systematic and event-driven) of a hedge fund, where I’ve been thinking about index rebal trades, maximum drawdown policies, and predicting extreme events.

I care about equity of education and taught basic mechanics and computer science at the Inspirata. We competed in the World Robot Olympiad twice. I like rowing, judo, and nice libraries. I don’t like running.

Please reach me at samuel.wiese(at) and find my CV here.
